LSD Dual Lift Tables and Wide Base Dual Lift Tables

LSD Dual Lift Tables and Wide Base Dual Lift Tables


LSD Series hydraulic lift tables feature 2 sets of legs and lift cylinders placed in a side by side configuration. This design allows for high load capacities - up to 12,000 lbs. with smooth lifting and lowering even when weight distribution is non-uniform. Platforms of up to 8 feet wide on standard LSD Lift Tables and up to 11 feet wide on LSD Wide Base lift tables are available. Dual scissor mechanism Capacities from 4000 - 12,000 lbs Platform widths up to 132” Lifting Heights up to 70” LSD Series hydraulic lift tables feature 2 sets of legs and lift cylinders placed in a side by side configuration. This design allows for high load capacities - up to 12,000 lbs. with smooth lifting and lowering even when weight distribution is non-uniform. Platforms of up to 8 feet wide on standard LSD Lift Tables and up to 11 feet wide on LSD Wide Base lift tables are available.


ManufacturerSouthworld Products
Lsd4-364000 lbs; 48" x 48"; 72" x 72"; 6.75"; 42.75"; 1; 115/1/60; 1150 lbs
Lsd8-368000 lbs; 48" x 48"; 72" x 72"; 6.75"; 42.75"; 1; 115/1/60; 1250 lbs
Lsd12-3612000 lbs; 48" x 48"; 72" x 72"; 7.25"; 43.25"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 1400 lbs
Lsd4-484000 lbs; 48" x 66"; 72" x 96"; 8"; 56"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 1850 lbs
Lsd8-488000 lbs; 48" x 66"; 72" x 96"; 8"; 56"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 1950 lbs
Lsd12-4812000 lbs; 48" x 66"; 72" x 96"; 8"; 56"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2050 lbs
Lsd4-604000 lbs; 48" x 86"; 72" x 120"; 10"; 70"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2550 lbs
Lsd8-608000 lbs; 48" x 86"; 72" x 120"; 10"; 70"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2700 lbs
Lsd10-6010000 lbs; 48" x 86"; 72" x 120"; 8"; 68"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2850 lbs
Lsd12-6012000 lbs; 48" x 86"; 72" x 120"; 10"; 70"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2850 lbs
Lsd4-36w4000 lbs; 72" x 48"; 96" x 72"; 6.75"; 42.75"; 1; 115/1/60; 1350 lbs
Lsd8-36w8000 lbs; 72" x 48"; 96" x 72"; 6.75"; 42.75"; 1; 115/1/60; 1450 lbs
Lsd12-36w12000 lbs; 72" x 48"; 96" x 72"; 7.25"; 43.25"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 1600 lbs
Lsd4-48w4000 lbs; 96" x 66"; 120" x 96"; 8"; 56"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2250 lbs
Lsd8-48w8000 lbs; 96" x 66"; 120 x 96"; 8"; 56"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2350 lbs
Lsd12-48w12000 lbs; 96" x 66"; 120" x 96"; 8"; 56"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 2450 lbs
Lsd4-60w4000 lbs; 108" x 86"; 132" x 120"; 10"; 70"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 3250 lbs
Lsd8-60w8000 lbs; 108" x 86"; 132" x 120"; 10"; 70"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 3400 lbs
Lsd10-60w10000 lbs; 108" x 86"; 132" x 120"; 8"; 68"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 3550 lbs
Lsd12-60w12000 lbs; 108" x 86"; 132" x 120"; 10"; 70"; 3.2; 460/3/60; 3550 lbs