WaterTech PRO

WaterTech PRO


Main Features Rack and pinion drive system Linear guides on the longitudinal axis 2 linear guides on transverse beam Self lubrication system for all guides Bellows protection on all axis Optional Stainless steel water and abrasive tank Pressurized two-stage abrasive metering system Water table tank with manual water level controls Ready for future installation of an abrasive removal system Cutting table parameters with quality selections from 1 to 5


Working area3.3ft. x 3.3ft. up to 5ft. x 12ft.
Motors (x, y, z)Brushless
Driver (x, y, z)Digital
Positioning speed396 ipm (10 m/min)
Positioning accuracy+ - .004 in (+ - 0,1 mm/m)
Repeatability+- .002 in (+ - 0,5 mm/m)
CNCSoitaab CNC
Monitor15 in LCD touch screen
Data communicationUSB - Ethernet - LAN
Cutting technologiesWater-jet with abrasive