Schroeder Powerbend Universal

Schroeder Powerbend Universal


Schroeder PowerBend Universal name speaks for itself: This folding machine is designed to meet the demands in a wide range of applications. Its flexibility through applications up to 4 mm steel is the result of decades of experience in industrial sheet metal folding. A perfect balance between technology and performance. It was engineered using state of the art tools and finite element analysis.The Nano Touch software makes it the perfect machine for a wide array of production requirements. The control system is easy for anyone to program profiles and parts for quick production changes. The PowerBend Universal offers you a lot of possibilities – you decide what level of technology fits your individual requirements. The following are some additional features depending on your fabricating needs. The “Power-Package” a reinforced drive system, increasing the capacity on the PowerBend Universal to 5 mm mild steel for even more bending power. CNC folding beam adjustment, manual or CNC crowning, and speed enhancement upgrades. A wide range of back gauge options for optimal handing of your job needs. Also, tool options that are flexible to minimize set up times and maximize capabilities. Benefits - Semi-automatic and fully automatic of one side - Increase productivity with up and down folding - Control remote maintenance - User-friendly visual programming on touchscreen monitor


2,000x4.048° (180°), 350/13.78, 3/5.5, 20(46) (0.787 in)
2,500x4.048° (180°), 350/13.78, 3/5.5, 20(46) (0.787 in)
3,200x3.03,240/127.5, 3/0.118, 5,014/197.4, 1,694/66.69, 1,510/59.4
4,000x2.548° (180°), 350/13.78, 3/5.5, 20(46) (0.787 in)
3,200x.3.048° (180°), 350/13.78, 3/5.5, 20(46) (0.787 in)
2,000×4.02 x 2.2, 66, 80
2,500×4.02 x 2.2, 66, 80
3,200×3.02 x 2.2, 66, 80
4,000×2.52 x 2.2, 66, 80